The Closing Corner: Insights & Innovations in Canadian Real Estate Law

Welcome to "the closing corner", your go-to resource for the latest insights and innovations in Canadian real estate law. Here, we explore legal trends, offer expert advice, and share valuable resources.

Welcome to "the closing corner", your go-to resource for the latest insights and innovations in Canadian real estate law. Here, we explore legal trends, offer expert advice, and share valuable resources.

5 Tips for Hiring a Home Contractor

You checked the web, and talked to a realtor at an open house, now here are our tips for hiring a home contractor.  What’s the…

Cancelling Realtor Listing Agreements

Ending real estate contracts early, like cancelling realtor listing agreements, can get messy. Like any legal contract, agreements to represent you in a real estate…

What’s in Your Home Renovation Warranty

Giving your home a facelift and wondering what the home renovation warranty covers? More than you might suspect. Of course you’re excited about your home…

Can Renos Void Your New Home Warranty?

Buying or building a shiny new home can be a dream come true. Don't mess it up by making changes that could cancel your new…

Cancelling a Home Sale Over Size

The resale home looked spacious outside and in, but now you’re seriously contemplating cancelling a home sale over size. Your furniture won’t fit, and the…

Is Your Realtor Steering You Away From 1% Commissions?

You heard you can save on realtor commissions using discount brokers. But using a 1% commission brokerage doesn't seem to be working out at all.…

Estate Home Insurance – Perils to Watch Out For

Leaving property vacant without checking the estate home insurance policy could cost you.  Ontario estate trustees beware, depending on how the estate home insurance is…

Undoing a Mistaken Real Estate Contract

You must have heard your realtor wrong, and now you’re wondering about the legalities of undoing a mistaken real estate contract. You owe it to…

Fraud and Executor Obligations

Don't let your estate fall prey to fraud or misrepresentation after you pass on. Appoint your executor of Will with care, because if you don't,…

Can You Empty an Estate House Before Probate?

The celebration of life is over, and all that remains is to empty an estate house your beloved family member left behind. Or so you…

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