Sign Legal Documents in Virtual Time
Published on 30 November 2020, 04:31:48 PM
You’re getting kind of used to this sitting at home talking on the computer thing. Thanks to laptops, cell phones, iPads, tablets, mobile devices and the Internet for making it all possible. We couldn’t agree more.
Doing (Almost) Everything Online
Now when you need a legal document notarized or a commissioner of oaths to witness your e-signature, you can just do it online. It’s convenient, easy and secure. Ontario law firms like Axess Law were way ahead of the curve in using online video conferencing technology.
The Affordable, Virtual Alternative
Axess is a trusted leader in virtual commissioning and can notarize virtually by video conference from anywhere in Ontario. Remote legal services are an affordable alternative in financially trying times. Our experienced, licensed notaries and virtual commissioners charge flat fees for most services. If remote commissioning is not for you, we have law offices throughout Greater Toronto and in Ottawa. Our lawyers are licensed notaries in good standing and can answer all your questions about how e-signing works.
Law Society Approved
Not only does Ontario allow online notary services, virtual commissioning is legal. The Law Society of Ontario approved online commissioning by lawyers in 2020 to allow virtual document signing wherever you are. Licensed notary lawyers and commissioners of oaths can review your documents by email, then go online to confirm your identity. They witness your e-signature and send you back an original.
What is an Affidavit?
Remotely commissioned affidavits are sworn or affirmed (declared) statements of facts used in legal disputes in Ontario courts or by government agencies. They can be used to:
- identify you
- give sworn evidence
- settle divorces or separation agreements
- apply for benefits
- or transfer property like cars or land.
Acceptable Almost Everywhere
Although some parties may refuse remotely commissioned documents, they are almost universally accepted in Ontario. We let you check with the other party beforehand to ensure they accept remote commissioning before going ahead with a virtual signing.
Securing Your Privacy
Remote commissioners and notary publics are attuned to the risks of any kind of document witnessing. That’s why they’re on the alert for fraudulent affidavits and the use of stolen or fake ID to steal business or financial accounts. Virtual notaries and online commissioners of oaths check your government-issued ID on camera, using the latest in video conferencing technology to secure your privacy. They take steps to prevent fraudsters from using virtual technology to commit illegal or misleading acts.
Preventing Coercion
Seniors and vulnerable adults may not be able to speak up if they are being bullied, coerced or unduly influenced to sign financial or power of attorney documents. Notary publics and remote commissioners ask you to account for anyone in the room with you during an e-signing session. When they see red flags that you may not understand what you are signing or its legal effects, they cease and desist from going any further.
Emailed Originals When You Need Them
Has this ever happened to you? You signed an important legal, insurance or bank document, then walked out the door without a copy. With virtual video calling services, originals are signed, stamped or for notarized copies, sealed, then emailed back to you.
Ask Questions in Real Time
Instead of emailing questions, you can ask a remote notary or commissioner of oaths directly, while you are on the video conference call. Any concerns or questions you have about the legal documents being reviewed or signed can be answered right away. It’s much more personal than email or talking by phone.
Sign Official Documents the Virtual Way
Our virtual notary service and remote commissioners of oaths make signing legal, financial, insurance or government documents simple. You can stay home or call in from your office or SUV, anywhere you have the privacy to discuss your personal or business affairs online. Once your video call starts, most documents can be witnessed, signed, stamped or for notarized papers, sealed in just a few minutes of your time. And video call appointments can be made any time during the week, day or evening, that suits your schedule.
Fully Licensed and Secure
The Law Society of Ontario and remote commissioning standards have strict standards to preserve online privacy. Virtual notaries and online commissioning employ the latest technologies for e-signing. Your data is encrypted and a detailed audit kept of your time online. Axess Law can record the video call to produce a record of your online transaction. If you are concerned at all about online privacy or security, ask us when make your appointment.
Book a Video Call or In Person Appointment
To get started today, call Axess Law’s Ontario notary publics or commissioners of oaths for an appointment. Dial toll-free to 877-522-9377 or in Greater Toronto to 647-479-0118 or use our online booking form. Tell us if you prefer an online video conference or meeting in person. Our Ontario law offices are open day and evening, at times convenient for you, 7 days a week. We have offices in Ottawa, Toronto, Scarborough, Vaughan, Etobicoke, Mississauga Winston Churchill or Mississauga Heartland.
Click here to learn more about Axess Law’s notary public services.Photo by Gerd Altmann | Pixabay.