5 Truths About Heritage Home Repaints
Published on 3 May 2022, 02:23:42 AM
Heritage home repaints can be hazardous to your health and wallet.
Before you make offers on heritage homes in Ontario, read these 5 truths about heritage home repaints. It may just help you decide if the cost of making upgrades is worth it, and how much effort you’ll need to put into preserving a home’s heritage character.
Ontario heritage home rules for buyers and owners.
1. ‘Painted Ladies’ They Aren’t
Gentle sage green is your favourite colour? Lucky you!
Heritage conservationists like it too, so much so that it’s on the Town of Cobourg’s heritage colour palette. See Cobourg’s heritage colour palette.
What isn’t are dainty pastels, like those on San Francisco’s Painted Ladies. That’s because heritage home repaints in the 19th century featured earthy pigments, like red oxide, ochre yellow, chocolate brown, or soot-like lamp black.
Which color is best for your house’s exterior can depend on local heritage guidelines. Start by looking through historical photos of your property. For accurate matches to heritage colours:
- send an historic colour specialist photos of your home
- or forward chips of peeled paint to a paint consultant.
Heritage home specialists can analyze the original colour from your samples, and recommend suppliers with similar products. Minor touch ups can be cheaper than heritage home repaints, and restore your home without the need for expensive, and potentially hazard, paint removal.
So before you pick up your paintbrush, check with your historic conservation office, or ask at a library. Nothing stands out worse than historically inaccurate heritage home repaints. (Fortunately, the off whites and natural wood stains on many heritage home palettes are also top sellers among buyers.)
How to make trims stand out during heritage home repaints.
2. Your Home Could Be Toxic
Heritage home repaints can expose a wealth of toxins. Your Victorian or Edwardian prize may be hiding layers of lead paint left intact during previous heritage home repaints.
Up to 1990, many popular paints contained lead that can cause anemia, or brain and nervous system damage. Don’t take the chance yours does too. Contact local labs or painting contractors for a paint analysis.
Lead paint that is intact can be painted over, sealed with wallpaper, or hidden behind wallboard. But chipped, peeling, or damaged paint should be carefully removed. Here’s how to stage detoxifying heritage home repaints.
Are home inspectors liable for missing obvious defects?
3. Frankly, It Stinks
Remember sick building syndrome? Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in interior finishes can get on your nerves (literally). High VOC paints, varnishes, or wood stains mess with your eyes, lungs, sinuses, and brain by giving off carbon-containing organic chemicals. Extended exposure in small or poorly ventilated areas can give you a headache, make you dizzy, cause your eyes or stomach to hurt, and wear you out.
Check out this VOC hazards infographic.
4. Picky, Picky, Picky
Heritage home repaints are no ordinary labour of love. All that gingerbread trim and intricate, ornate detailing can consume hours of your time. Do you even have the equipment you’ll need (extension ladders, safety harnesses, scaffolding, chisels, specialized paintbrushes)? Aging facades call for restoration, not replacement, and that can be a challenge in itself. This could be a job for experts.
5. The Cost of a Repaint is Worth It
Heritage home repaints bring top dollar. Penny for penny, repainting exteriors and refreshing interiors returns value for money, real estate agents say. So how much does it cost to repaint an entire house, or have someone repaint the inside of your home?
Hiring a professional for heritage home repaints can cost $5,000 to $7,500 or more for an average, two-storey home interior. Interior repaints are around $3 to $3.50 per 0.09 m², paint excluded, a Toronto area painter says.
Add more for elaborate trims, or ceilings over 10 feet. Closets, hallways, and ceilings are extra, with the cost increasing by size and complexity. Budget $75 to 500 per closet, $1,000 to $4,000 for hallways, and $1,000 to $1,500 for ceilings. A gallon of paint should cover 37.16 m².
Exteriors average around $800 for the smallest bungalow, up to $10,000 and more for 325.16 m². Windows fetch up to $350 each, and doors $750 to $2,000. HST is extra.
Adding a home inspection clause to Ontario offers.
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How title insurance protects your home from theft.
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